About Me
Favorite Links
Contact Me


This is a website for all my family and friends to contact me, its nothing like Facebook, or Myspace, it is something I created myself and I can have my own privacy.

On this page it will be something my family can look at and see what I am doing, how I might be feeling on a particular day, since I am in college and can not see them as much. I will put some pictures up of me and events that I may attend because I know my family can not open some of my pictures I send so this is much easier for them to see. I will update the site often



What's New?
Some new things about me are that I recently got a new job! And I absouloutly love it!!! I can now make my own money and not ask you Mom and Dad ;) I know you are delighted! I have a couple of exams and papers this week so it is alot of studying to do! I miss my nephew too! Isnt he so cute!

I am in the process of uploading all my pictures from Spring Break, I just have to get my camera back from my friend. So keep checking, they will be up sooner or later!

Please get in touch with any comments or reactions to my site.
